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Complaints policy

Do you have a complaint?

As an organization, we strive to serve you as well and correctly as possible.
Despite all our efforts, it can still happen that a mistake is made (nothing human is alien to us) or that you are dissatisfied with our organization for other reasons.
If this is the case, we hope that you will contact us immediately so that together we can find a good solution to resolve the problem.
We assume that your complaint is made in good faith and indicates genuine and legitimate concerns.
Your complaint gives us the opportunity to correct any errors and improve our service where possible.
We will treat your complaint with the utmost care and take every complaint seriously.

Complaint form

You can use the contact form on the Supercharge website for your formal complaint.
If a live chat is available, you can also use this to contact customer service.
You will receive a response from us within 14 working days.
The reply will be sent to the e-mail address you provided.
If processing takes longer due to certain circumstances, you will be notified and informed of the next steps.

Thank you very much

If you have a complaint and let us know about it, we greatly appreciate it.
By informing us, you are giving us a second chance.
You can be sure that we will do our best to take action to prevent the problem from recurring.
Finally, we would like to inform you that in order to improve our services, we record complaints and include them in the evaluation of our quality system.
Naturally, we will treat the information with care and confidentiality.